Hubspot vs Activecampaign: comprehensive guide for 2024.

In this blog, you will discover the best resolution to the dilemma: Hubspot vs Activecampaign in 2024, with our comprehensive comparison. Learn which platform suits your needs best for effective marketing automation, lead nurturing, and customer relationship management. These actionable insights will enable you stay ahead in your business strategies


In the dynamic world of digital marketing, choosing the right automation tools can be a game-changer for your business. Among the plethora of options available, HubSpot and ActiveCampaign stand out as two of the most popular and powerful platforms.

Hubspot vs Activecampaign: Hubspot and Activecampaign logos

What is HubSpot?

HubSpot is a renowned inbound marketing, sales, and service software that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. Known for its comprehensive suite of tools, it integrates various aspects of digital marketing into a single, user-friendly platform.

Let me elucidate further on the term: Inbound marketing.

Inbound marketing is a way for businesses to attract customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them. Instead of interrupting people with ads or cold calls, inbound marketing focuses on providing helpful information that people are already searching for.

This builds trust and relationships, making it more likely that customers will choose your business when they’re ready to make a purchase.

Core Features of HubSpot

HubSpot offers a range of features that make it a top choice for businesses looking to streamline their marketing efforts. This can be referred to as a suite of hub processes.

Key features include:

  • CRM & Sales Hub: Comprehensive customer relationship management that provides detailed insights into sales processes.
  • Operations hub: Enhances collaboration across your systems and teams and synchronizes your apps, tidies up and organizes customer data, and streamlines processes.
  • Commerce hub: B2B commerce software designed to help you streamline your sales cycle process so you get paid faster, increase revenue, and save time.
  • Marketing Hub: A suite of tools designed to assist in inbound marketing, including email marketing, social media management, SEO, and content creation.
  • Service Hub: Focuses on customer service elements, offering ticketing systems, customer feedback surveys, and knowledge base management.
  • CMS Hub: A content management system that enables users to create and manage website content with ease.
  • Automation: Allows for automating marketing, sales, and service processes, saving time and increasing efficiency.
hubspot vs Activecampaign: Hubspot's suite of hubs.

Pros and Cons of Using HubSpot


  • All-in-One Solution: Integrates various marketing tools into one platform, making it easier to manage.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Known for its intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface.
  • Strong Community and Support: Offers extensive customer support and a vibrant community for guidance.


  • Pricing: Can be more expensive than other solutions, especially as businesses grow and require more advanced features.
  • Learning Curve: While user-friendly, the vast range of features can be overwhelming for new users.
Hubspot vs Activecampaign:  customer lead generation dashboard of Hubspot

What is ActiveCampaign?

ActiveCampaign stands out in the world of digital marketing as a comprehensive platform specializing in email marketing, sales automation, and CRM. It’s particularly favored by businesses for its advanced automation and email marketing capabilities, making it a powerful tool for personalized customer journeys.

Core Features of ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign is celebrated for its robust set of features designed to enhance customer experience and streamline marketing processes. Its key features include:

  • Email Marketing: Offers advanced email segmentation, dynamic content, and split testing.
  • Marketing Automation: Known for its powerful and flexible automation workflows that can be tailored to specific customer behaviors.
  • Sales & CRM: Includes a built-in CRM system to manage leads and sales processes.
  • Messaging: Enables SMS and site messaging for direct customer engagement.
  • Machine Learning & Analytics: Provides predictive sending and content, along with comprehensive analytics.
Hubspot vs Activecampaign: Activecampaign's Automation

Pros and Cons of Using ActiveCampaign


  • Advanced Automation: Industry-leading automation capabilities that allow for highly personalized customer experiences.
  • Comprehensive Email Marketing Tools: Extensive features for email campaigns, including segmentation and A/B testing.
  • Flexibility and Scalability: Suitable for businesses of all sizes and scales as the company grows.


  • Complex Interface: Can be overwhelming for beginners due to its advanced features.
  • Limited CRM Features: While it offers CRM functionality, it’s not as comprehensive as dedicated CRM platforms.

Ease of Use: Hubspot vs Activecampaign

Selecting the right tool often depends on how easy it is to use. Both HubSpot and ActiveCampaign offer robust features, but their user interfaces and setup processes differ significantly.

User Interface Comparison

  • HubSpot: Known for its clean, intuitive interface that’s user-friendly, making navigation and task management straightforward.
  • ActiveCampaign: Offers a more detailed interface with numerous features, which can be powerful but might feel complex for new users.

Setup and Onboarding Processes

HubSpot Provides a smooth onboarding process with extensive resources and support for new users. The intuitive design makes setup relatively easy for beginners.

One thing i like about the navigation process as a beginner is that you will be prompted to answer some simple questions bordering on your experience status(whether a complete newbie or pro).

In addition, you will be given an option either to choose a template of any hub of your choice or to set up manually instead.

Take a look on my very own dashboard on the Hubspot platform below and notice how intuitive and easy-to-use its interface really is.

Hubspot vs Activecampaign: My very own Hubspot user interface

While Activecampaign offers comprehensive resources, the setup might take longer due to the complexity of its features, especially around automation and segmentation.

Marketing Automation Capabilities: Hubspot vs Activecampaign

Marketing automation is a critical component for scaling efforts and personalizing customer experiences. Both HubSpot and ActiveCampaign offer robust automation tools, but with distinct approaches and features.

Automation Tools in HubSpot

HubSpot’s automation tools are deeply integrated with all its hubs (Marketing, Sales, Service, and CMS). Key aspects include:

  • Workflow Automation: Allows for the creation of automated marketing, sales, and service processes.
  • Personalization: Enables personalization of content and emails based on user data.
  • Lead Scoring: Automates lead scoring to prioritize leads based on engagement and other criteria.

As you can see below, that is one part of the automation worktflow in Hubspot. When i attempted to use this service, I was ask to upgrade to the marketing hub professional.

Hubspot vs Activecampaign: An automation workflow of Hubspot.

Automation Tools in ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign is particularly strong in its automation capabilities, offering:

  • Advanced Automation Workflows: Highly customizable workflows that can be tailored to intricate customer journeys.
  • Conditional Content: Delivers personalized content to users based on their behaviors and preferences.
  • Event Tracking: Tracks user interactions on websites and apps to trigger automated actions.

See below, a section of Activecampaign’s automation workflow.

Hubspot vs Activecampaign: Automation in Activecampaign

Customization and Flexibility

Both platforms offer customization in their automation:

  • HubSpot: Offers a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop tools, making it easy to customize workflows.
  • ActiveCampaign: Provides more advanced options for customization, catering to users with specific, complex automation needs.

Email Marketing and CRM Integrations of hubspot and Activecampaign

Email marketing and CRM integration are vital for cohesive customer relationship management and targeted marketing campaigns.

Email Marketing Features

  • HubSpot: Integrates email marketing seamlessly with other tools. Offers easy-to-use templates, A/B testing, and analytics.
  • ActiveCampaign: Known for its advanced email marketing features, including segmentation, dynamic content, and predictive sending.

CRM Integration and Effectiveness

  • HubSpot: Offers a robust CRM that’s seamlessly integrated with all its tools, providing a unified view of customer interactions.
  • ActiveCampaign: While it has a CRM component, it’s more focused on email marketing. The CRM integration is effective but not as comprehensive as HubSpot’s.

Pricing and Plans: Hubspot vs Activecampaign 

Understanding the pricing and plans of marketing automation tools is crucial for businesses to determine which platform offers the best value for their needs.

HubSpot Pricing Structure

HubSpot’s pricing is tiered and scales with the size and needs of a business. Key aspects include:

  • Free Tools: Offers a range of free tools with basic features.
  • Starter Plan: Begins at a lower cost, suitable for small businesses or startups.
  • Professional & Enterprise Plans: More advanced features for larger businesses, with prices increasing accordingly.

ActiveCampaign Pricing Structure

ActiveCampaign’s pricing is also tiered, focusing on the depth of features and number of contacts. Key points include:

  • Lite Plan: Starts with essential features, ideal for small businesses or those new to automation.
  • Plus, Professional, & Enterprise Plans: Higher tiers include advanced features and are priced based on the number of contacts.

The series of screenshots below illustrates the various pricing plans of Hubspot and Activecampaign. The first is the CRM starter suite of Hubspot.

Hubspot vs Activecampaign: CRM suite starter pricing of hubspot.

Next, is Hubspot’s pricing for small businesses

Hubspot vs Activecampaign: hubspot's small businesses
 pricing plans

Next below, is Hubspot’s professional and enterprise pricing

Hubspot vs Activecampaign: Hubspot's Professional and Enterprise pricing

Finally, see Activecampaign’s pricing tiers below.

Hubspot vs Activecampaign: Activecampaign pricing plans

Comparing ROI

  • HubSpot: Known for its comprehensive all-in-one platform, which can lead to higher efficiency and potentially higher ROI for businesses needing diverse tools.
  • ActiveCampaign: Offers more specialized automation and email marketing tools, which can provide a high ROI for businesses focused on these areas.

Regarding ROI (return of investment) Hubspot conducted a case study in 2022.

One of the findings of that study was that after 12 months, Marketing Hub customers experience an average increase of 121% in their email click-through rate.

There was also a 129% increasé in inbound leads that was acquired as a result of form submissions.

There were 113% more website visitors to the hubspot customers websites within th aforementioned time span

Customer Support and Community

Effective customer support and a strong community are essential for users to make the most out of any platform.

Support Channels Available

  • HubSpot: Offers email support, phone support, and a live chat for Professional and Enterprise customers. Also provides a vast knowledge base for self-service.
  • ActiveCampaign: Provides email and chat support, with phone support available on higher-tier plans. Also has a comprehensive help center.

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Community and Educational Resources.

  • HubSpot: Renowned for its extensive community and educational resources, including HubSpot Academy, blogs, user forums, and regular webinars.
  • ActiveCampaign: Also offers a range of resources such as ActiveCampaign University, blogs, community forums, and webinars.
Hubspot vs Activecampaign: Hubspot and Activecampaign support graphics

Analytics and Reporting Tools: Hubspot vs Activecampaign

Effective analytics and reporting tools are crucial for understanding customer interactions and measuring the success of marketing efforts.

Reporting Features of HubSpot

HubSpot provides comprehensive reporting features that cover various aspects:

  • Custom Dashboards: Users can create custom dashboards to track key metrics.
  • Detailed Analytics: Offers detailed reports on website performance, email campaigns, sales activity, and more.
  • ROI Reporting: Allows businesses to track the return on investment of their marketing activities.

Reporting Features of ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign also offers robust reporting capabilities, with a focus on email marketing and automation:

  • Performance Reports: Detailed reports on email campaigns, including open rates, click-through rates, and more.
  • Automation Reports: Insights into how automation sequences are performing.
  • Contact Trends: Tracks how contacts engage over time, providing valuable insights into customer behavior.

On my very own Hubspot dashboard, when i clicked on “reports,” as you can see in the image below, a dialogue box appears with various options such as: Reports of contacts, traffic, sales and service.

Hubspot vs Activecampaign: My Hubspot reporting dashboard

Third-party Integrations and Ecosystem

The ability to integrate with other tools and services enhances the functionality and flexibility of marketing platforms.

Integration Options in HubSpot

HubSpot offers a wide range of integration options:

  • Extensive App Marketplace: Includes integrations with tools like Salesforce, Shopify, WordPress, and many others.
  • API Access: Allows for custom integrations to suit specific business needs.

Below in a graphical representations of the integrations options of Hubspot.

Hubspot vs Activecampaign: Hubspot's suite of integrations

Integration Options in ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign also boasts a rich ecosystem of integrations:

  • Hundreds of Integrations: Compatible with popular software like Salesforce, Shopify, WordPress, and more.
  • Developer Tools: Offers API access for building custom integrations.

It is noteworthy too, that other email service providers also have a wide range of  3rd-party integrations. As such you may wish to check out:  Leadpages vs Mailchimp

Security and Compliance of Hubspot and Activecampaign

In the digital age, data security and compliance are crucial for any business using online platforms. Both HubSpot and ActiveCampaign take these aspects seriously.

Data Security Measures

  • HubSpot: Implements robust security measures including data encryption, secure data centers, and regular security audits. They also offer two-factor authentication (2FA) and advanced user permissions.
  • ActiveCampaign: Focuses on protecting user data with encryption, secure servers, and ongoing security training for its staff. They also provide 2FA and customized user access levels.

Compliance with Regulations (GDPR, etc.)

  • HubSpot: Complies with GDPR and other global data protection regulations, ensuring that user data is handled securely and lawfully.
  • ActiveCampaign: Also adheres to GDPR and other international data privacy standards, with features designed to help businesses maintain compliance.

User Reviews and Testimonials

User feedback is a valuable resource for understanding the real-world performance and customer satisfaction associated with these platforms.

Customer Feedback on HubSpot

  • Positive Reviews: Often praise HubSpot for its all-in-one capabilities, user-friendly interface, and excellent customer support.
  • Constructive Criticisms: Some users mention the higher cost and the learning curve involved in mastering its wide range of features.

Customer Feedback on ActiveCampaign

  • Positive Reviews: ActiveCampaign is frequently commended for its powerful email marketing and automation tools, as well as its flexibility.
  • Constructive Criticisms: Users sometimes note the complexity of its interface and the need for more advanced CRM features.

Best Use Cases for Each Platform

Understanding the ideal use cases for HubSpot and ActiveCampaign can help you as a business owner choose the platform that best aligns with your needs.

Ideal HubSpot User Profile

  • Businesses Seeking an All-in-One Solution: Ideal for businesses that need a comprehensive set of tools encompassing CRM, marketing, sales, and customer service.
  • Companies with a Focus on Inbound Marketing: HubSpot is particularly well-suited for businesses implementing inbound marketing strategies.
  • Organizations Valuing Ease of Use: Best for teams looking for an intuitive platform that requires minimal technical expertise.

Ideal ActiveCampaign User Profile

  • Businesses Focused on Email Marketing and Automation: Perfect for companies that prioritize advanced email marketing strategies and automation.
  • SMEs Needing Scalable Solutions: Suitable for small to medium-sized businesses looking for a scalable platform that grows with them.
  • Users Needing Detailed Customer Segmentation: Ideal for businesses that require intricate customer segmentation and personalized marketing campaigns.

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Future Roadmap and Development of Hubspot and Activecampaign.

Staying informed about the future developments of these platforms can provide insights into their long-term value and alignment with evolving business needs.

Upcoming Features in HubSpot

  • Enhanced AI and Machine Learning Capabilities: HubSpot is focusing on integrating more AI features to streamline marketing and sales processes.
  • Improved Analytics Tools: Plans to enhance its analytics tools for more detailed and actionable insights.
  • Expansion of Integration Ecosystem: Continued growth of its app marketplace to offer more integrations.

Upcoming Features in ActiveCampaign

  • Advanced Automation Options: ActiveCampaign is working on introducing even more sophisticated automation features.
  • Enhanced CRM Functionality: Plans to bolster its CRM capabilities to provide a more holistic solution.
  • User Experience Improvements: Focus on making the platform even more user-friendly and intuitive.


Throughout this comparison of HubSpot and ActiveCampaign, we’ve explored various facets including ease of use, marketing automation capabilities, pricing, customer support, and more. Both platforms offer unique strengths and cater to different business needs.

Summary of Key Points

  • HubSpot: An all-in-one solution ideal for businesses seeking a comprehensive suite of tools for inbound marketing, sales, and customer service. It stands out for its user-friendly interface and robust CRM features.
  • ActiveCampaign: Excels in email marketing and automation, offering advanced segmentation and automation workflows, making it ideal for businesses focusing on personalized customer journeys.

Final Recommendations

Choosing between HubSpot and ActiveCampaign should be based on your specific business needs. If your priority is having an all-encompassing platform with strong CRM and inbound marketing tools, HubSpot is the ideal choice. Conversely, if your focus is primarily on advanced email marketing and automation capabilities, ActiveCampaign would be more suitable.

Hubspot vs Activecampaign: Hubspot and Activecampaign decision making graphic

Frequently Asked Questions

Addressing common queries can further assist in understanding and comparing HubSpot and ActiveCampaign.

Common Queries about HubSpot

  • Q: Is HubSpot suitable for small businesses?
    • A: Yes, HubSpot offers a range of plans, including free and starter options, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes.
  • Q: Can HubSpot integrate with other tools?
    • A: Absolutely, HubSpot boasts a large number of integrations across various software categories.

Common Queries about ActiveCampaign

  • Q: Does ActiveCampaign offer a CRM system?
    • A: Yes, while ActiveCampaign is known for its email marketing, it also includes a CRM system for managing customer relationships.
  • Q: Is ActiveCampaign only for email marketing?
    • A: While email marketing is a core strength, ActiveCampaign also offers automation, CRM, and messaging tools.
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